Dreams Unbarred: A Call for Youth Empowerment in Africa

Dreams Unbarred: A Call for Youth Empowerment in Africa

This poignant poem reflects the yearning of African youth for opportunities to flourish amidst elders’ caution, advocating for a future where talents thrive and dreams illuminate the path to progress.

In Africa’s embrace, I dream of a brighter day, where my talents bloom and dreams find their way.

But the path is barred, opportunity seems lost, as elders preach caution, at great cost.

They speak of tradition, of staying in line,
But my heart yearns for more, a chance to shine.

With skills to offer, and dreams to pursue,
Yet the doors remain closed, what more can I do?

I long to see Africa rise, strong and proud,
With voices of youth, clear and loud.
But elders’ fears hold us back, it seems,
As they cling to the past, stifling our dreams.

Yet still I hope, and still I strive,
For a future where talent can truly thrive.

For Africa’s sake, let our dreams take flight, and guide us towards a brighter light.

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