Daily life roles of children, women & men in great Ancient Africa

In Ancient Africa people of different ages had their own dialy life roles to play. This was all over the four corners of Great Ancient Africa.
Many Africans prayed daily to their ancestors for protection and guidance, in place of traditional gods.
Many Africans would dedicate a spot in their homes to pay honor to their guardian spirits.
The concept of “Ma’at,” meaning balance, governed what the Egyptians viewed as right and wrong.
Girls were raised from a young age to be mothers – they were taught how to cook, sew, clean, and care for children from an early age. This is how young girls spent their days.
Men were trained to fight, hunt, build, protect their loved ones, and dedicate themselves to their family, to ensure that they would become good fathers. Young boys spent their daily lives being educated in this way.
Men and women in Ancient Africa had very fixed roles. These roles dictated how they spent their free time, and had a great influence on their daily lives.
Two of the most common jobs for men in Ancient Africa were those of the farmer and soldier.
Boys and men in Ancient Africa would practiced fighting daily.